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Seven tourists in Fiji hospital with suspected alcohol poisoning

[ad_1] Seven tourists in Fiji have been sent to hospital with suspected alcohol poisoning and are reported to be in a critical condition. It is believed they drank cocktails at

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French island territory hit by Cyclone Chido

[ad_1] France’s Indian Ocean territory of Mayotte has been struck by the worst cyclone to hit the islands in nearly a century. At least 11 people were reportedly killed when

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Two Russian oil tankers sink in Black Sea

[ad_1] Two Russian oil tankers with 29 crew members on board have sunk in the Black Sea amid bad weather and are now leaking oil, Russian authorities have said. Video

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Your Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Data Scientist

[ad_1] Introduction Well, hello there, future Data Swamis! You must have been living under a rock if haven’t noticed the hot new neighborhood on the career block ‘Data Science.’ It’s

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Udemy Free Python & Django | The Complete Django Web Development Course

Python & Django | The Complete Django Web Development Course FREE For Limited Enrolls Learn to build web applications using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, Python 3, and Django!

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Coursera Deal:Get 200$ Off On Coursera Plus Annual Membership

[ad_1] As we enter 2024, continual learning remains a cornerstone of success in the rapidly evolving data analytics domain. With myriad online course options, it can take time to pick

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